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Guide to Buying Your First Home in 2022

Posted by kim carpenter on January 10, 2022
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Ready to buy your first home in the Indy area in 2022? The We Sell Indy team LOVES helping first-time home buyers like you find the home of their dreams. 

Before you begin your search for homes, it’s important to take an important first step: Getting pre-approved for a mortgage.

Your pre-approval will tell you what you can afford and what your monthly payment will be, so it’s important to determine this before you start searching for your new home. Its hard to start looking at homes in one price range then have to pull back your expectations due to your budget!

Your pre-approval is good for about 90 days, so once you’re ready, take these first 3 steps to get it done.

  1.  Contact us, and we’ll send over a list of local lenders we know and trust.
  2.  Look over the list, check out online reviews, and ask your trusted advisors for their opinion.
  3.  Decide who you’d like to talk to and let us introduce you over email or text. 

Once you’ve got your pre-approval letter in hand, it’s time to start your home search!

Before we hop into the home search, I like to advise my clients to create a list of “must have” items and a list of “would be nice to have” items. This will help us to really focus on the things that are most important in your future home.

“Must have” items are the features you simply must have in your next home. “Nice to have” items are the ones you’d LIKE to have, but you can add or change down the road. Remember, you can’t change the lot or the location so make sure you love both.

Once you’ve established what you’re looking for, we will set you up on a search so you can receive an email the second a home that fits your criteria goes live on the market. If you have any questions about a property that you see, text or call us and we’ll start digging in. Once you see one you’d like to take a look at, we will setup a showing.

After touring houses and choosing the one you love, it’s time to make an offer. To do this, you’ll need your pre-approval letter in hand. You can also expect to make an earnest money deposit of around 1% of the purchase price. This will go towards your cash to close when the time comes for closing.

Have more questions about buying a home or what you need to do to get ready? Reach out to us today!

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