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Eight Ideas for Getting the Neighborhood Together

Posted by kim carpenter on September 2, 2021
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Finding your ideal home in a neighborhood you love – $250K

Cost of fencing in the yard for your four-legged friend – $4K

Realizing said neighborhood is filled with neighbors you adore – PRICELESS

If you’re extra grateful for the place and people you call “home,” why not say “thanks” with a fall gathering everyone can enjoy. Here are a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing:

– Invite a food or ice cream truck to visit
– Start a yard-of-the-month contest
– Organize a neighborhood clean-up day
– Ask neighbors to donate to a food drive for a local charity
– Plan a bonfire or fire pit night complete with s’mores
– Host a free driveway flea market one Saturday morning
– Arrange a family-friendly progressive dinner
– Welcome the return of college football with a tailgate party cheering on your hood’s fave teams

Neighboring is an art! Don’t miss the chance to start something beautiful this fall by bringing your neighbors together. Have you done something fun in your neighborhood? Let us know your ideas!

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