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Financial Benefits of Home Staging

Posted by kim carpenter on June 30, 2017
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Financial Benefits of Home Staging

Home staging can mean two things for our clients. First, for homes that are currently occupied staging can mean decluttering, moving furniture around, changing decor or adding in pieces that are currently on trend. Secondly, homes that are vacant often times do not show well in pictures or for in person visits for potential buyers. Our stagers can bring in key pieces of furniture to show off how a space cane be used or decor pieces to soften a stark, white wall. These processes can be a huge benefit to your sale. 

Here is some info from our friend Kirk Brenner with Stage It Indy about the financial benefits of home staging.

The first and most recognized benefit of home staging is the ability to bring in higher and multiple offers on a property. Statistics show that nearly 60% of staged homes bring an offer increase between 1-10% over that of a similar house not staged, while another 12% have had increases between 15-20% above an unstaged home.

 The second main home staging benefit is the ability to sell a property far faster than a comparable unstaged house. In fact, properly staged homes sell 2 – 2.5 times faster than comparable homes that are not staged.

Benefits of Home Staging Benefits of Home Staging Benefits of Home Staging

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