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Holiday events in the Indianapolis area

Posted by kim carpenter on December 11, 2009
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Are you looking for something to spread the holiday cheer with your family?  There are lots of events in the Indianapolis area, some are even free……
11/27/09 ? 01/10/10
Pepsi Coliseum
October – April
Piney Acres Farm, Fortville, IN
Strides for Success – Hendricks County
11/21/09 – 12/21/09
Mystery Cafe
Conner Prairie
12/1/09 – 1/3/10
12/04/09 ? 12/30/09
Indiana World Skaing Academy
12/21/09 – 1/4/2010

Are you looking for something to spread the holiday cheer with your family?  There are lots of events in the Indianapolis area, some are even free……

11/27/09 ? 01/10/10
Pepsi Coliseum
October – April
Piney Acres Farm, Fortville, IN
Strides for Success – Hendricks County
11/21/09 – 12/21/09
Mystery Cafe
Conner Prairie
12/1/09 – 1/3/10
12/04/09 ? 12/30/09
Indiana World Skaing Academy
12/21/09 – 1/4/2010

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