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How to Prepare Your Home for a Snowy Winter

Posted by kim carpenter on December 21, 2014
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After last year’s winter, we’re all feeling a little scarred by Mother Nature. Rumor has it this year’s winter will be just as bad, or worse. If you love the snow, that’s good news. But for everyone else – good luck! Here are a few ways to prepare your home for the next few snowy months.


Emergency Preparedness

You never know what conditions could cause your home to lose power or heat, so it’s always good to have a few emergency items on hand. Any type of battery-operated or hand-crank light and radio are good examples – but make sure you have a stock of batteries, too!


Food and Water

It never fails: every time bad weather is forecasted to hit, the grocery store shelves go bare. But for good reason! Be sure to stock up on the essentials like bread, eggs, milk, canned goods and other non-perishable items before the weather hits, even if it’s just so you don’t have to drive on hazardous roads.


Stay Warm

There are a few ways to ensure your family and your home stay warm in case you lose power during a snowstorm. Keep a backup generator in your basement in case you need emergency power and have some weatherproofing tape to seal your windows where there may be a draft.


Living in Indiana, we’re all pretty familiar with the do’s and don’t of snow and ice removal. But just as a reminder: spread salt early on your driveway and sidewalk to help melt the ice and avoid falling or getting stuck. And, when you’re shoveling, don’t lift with your back, lift with your legs. No one wants an injury on top of a snowstorm!


How do you prepare for winter?


For more tips, visit the This Old House list for preparing for a blizzard.

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