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Is your home not selling? Try incentives to help it sell….

Posted by kim carpenter on September 1, 2011
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Are you stuck on the market with no bites from buyers?  Are you finding your home struggling to compete against other similarly priced homes?

Why not offer to the potential buyer?  These incentives actually fill a real need for the home buyer:

1)  Interest rate buy down – You as a seller can offer to pay a point or two to the buyer’s lender to buy down their rate, thus reducing their monthly payment.

2)Closing cost credit –  Many buyers are trying to buy now while the rates are low and may already be scraping the bottom of their savings account to come up with their down payment.  Closing costs can run anywhere from 3-6% of the loan amount, this is on top of their down payment.  A seller can offer to pay a flat amount towards the buyer’s closing costs or a percentage of the loan amount to assist with their closing costs.

3)HOA dues credit – Some homes require homeowners’ association dues (HOA) that are charged monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually.  A seller can offer a credit to the buyer for these dues which will lessen the buyers monthly or upfront costs.

4)Broker incentives – A seller can offer a buyers agent a bonus in the form of an extra percentage point or flat amount of commission.

Get creative, you never know what might make that buyer waiting in the wings take the plunge!!

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