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My favorite fall recipe!!

Posted by kim carpenter on October 13, 2008
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My children were very fortunate to have the same kindergarten teacher.  Every Fall, she had a Grandparent’s Day and she served the most delicious “Apple Brownies” I have ever eaten.  So now when Fall arrives it takes me back to those times and I always make those delicious “Apple Brownies”, so now I want to share that recipe with my clients, friends and neighbors!!

Enjoy and Thanks Mrs. Herbst!!!

Preheat oven to 350 degrees

3 cups flour

1 tsp baking soda

1 tsp salt

1 tsp cinnamon

1 1/4 cups vegetable oil

3 eggs

2 cups sugar

2 tsp vanilla

Mix the above ingredients and then add 3 cups chopped/peeled apples and optional 1 cup walnuts, 1 cup raisins

Grease and flour 9 x 13 pan, pour batter  in and bake for 40-45 minutes or until golden brown.  Serve with warm caramel sauce and vanilla ice cream!!!

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