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Preparing for a move?

Posted by kim carpenter on October 29, 2014
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Have you just purchased a home? Maybe you’re renting or moving into a new apartment. No matter your situation, moving into a new place can be fun and exciting – and stressful! Moving is strenuous work and packing can be tedious. I’ve compiled some moving tips below for you to check out before you get started. With the right preparation, moving can be quick and painless!


  • Label your boxes: Be sure to write the contents of each box and the location the contents will be at your new place. This will save you so much hassle when you’re unpacking and it’ll help tell the moving crew where to put boxes as you’re unloading.
  • Get more than enough boxes: Boxes are like gold for someone who is moving. Start by asking friends on social media if anyone has any boxes to get rid of. You can also stop by your local grocery store and see if they have boxes to get rid of from their latest shipment. Another option is to stock up on plastic tubs – as long as you have somewhere to store them at your new place.
  • Be a creative packer: Use household items like towels and sheets to pad your fragile items. Use reusable grocery bags for small, miscellaneous items or cords. Pack your clothes or other personal belongings in your luggage.
  • Come up with a plan: No one loves being asked to help a friend move, but it’s worth a try to save money. Ask friends if they’re available to help but be sure to compensate them – donuts and coffee or pizza and beer always sweeten the deal! If you’re having friends help you move, be sure to be as organized as possible. Let everyone know where they should be and when – which car is going to the storage unit, to the new place and to the old place. Organization is key in making people feel comfortable and appreciated as they help you with this less-than-enjoyable task.
  • Keep your cleaning supplies unpacked: If you’re responsible for cleaning your old place before you leave, don’t forget to keep your cleaning supplies on-hand. It’s also a good idea to do a quick sweep of your new place if you have the chance. That way, you can start unpacking in a fresh, clean house that will start feeling like home in no time!
  • You might consider hiring a professional.


For more tips, visit Good Housekeeping and

What are your best tips to make moving as hassle-free as possible?

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