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Renovate Your Kitchen to Unlock Your Inner Chef

Posted by kim carpenter on August 1, 2014
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Making general renovations to the kitchen is one way that many homeowners maintain the value of their home. Kitchens are designed to accommodate many household activities, from entertaining guests to acting as a homework and study area. Yet sometimes we forget the most important function of a kitchen: an effective cooking space! Improve the functionality of your kitchen and help unlock your inner chef by keeping the following tips in mind should you chose to renovate the space.


When planning the ideal cooking space, you’ll want to think about the overall layout of your kitchen with specific areas dedicated to cooking, storage and cleanup. Most modern kitchens feature a “work triangle,” which means the range, refrigerator and sink are all centered around a triangle shape. This makes navigating back and forth between these areas easier. If the triangle is too small, the kitchen can tend to feel cramped, but if the triangle is too large it can make cooking difficult. Obviously the size and shape of each person’s kitchen varies, so the key is to design the work triangle so that you can reach each major cooking appliance without too much effort.


Serious cooks may want to install more than one sink, simply to make cleanup a bit easier. A wide, deep sink is ideal for scrubbing large pots and pans that may not be dishwasher safe. You might even want to consider installing a water source near your stovetop, because they allow you to fill pots with water right over the stove without having move to the sink.


Designing a space with an effective work triangle and sink system is an important first step to creating a space that’s ideal for cooking meals. In the end, the most functional kitchen space will help prepare tasty dishes with speed and creativity. And, the updates may turn out to be a good investment if you are planning on ever selling your home in the future. Happy cooking!

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