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Sales of existing homes jump for Spring 2015

Posted by kim carpenter on May 26, 2015
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Spring selling season is here, and off to a great start with existing home sales reaching an 18 month high in March 2015! The Midwest is leading the increase in home sales for all major regions. Existing home sales increased just over 6 percent from February, which is the highest annual rate increase since September of 2013.

The median existing-home price  for all housing types in March was $212,100, which is almost 8  percent above March 2014. This marks the 37th consecutive month of year-over-year price gains and the largest since February 2014 at almost 9 percent (Per National Association of Realtors)

Read more about this exciting and welcome change here

Have you been thinking about listing your home? If so, now  may be the perfect time to do it. Feel free to contact me to discuss your needs.

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