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School programs on the North Side of Indianapolis

Posted by kim carpenter on October 27, 2013
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Choosing a new home sometimes means choosing a new public school district as well. The north side of Indianapolis is home to school districts that host some of the most exciting and innovative education programs in the state. Let’s take a closer look at specific programs offered by three different public school districts.


Lawrence Township

Spanish Immersion Program

For over twenty years, Lawrence Township has been home to the Spanish Immersion program, a unique program developed with the goal of teaching students to become bilingual in Spanish and English. Children begin learning Spanish in kindergarten by being immersed in the language starting on the first day of school. These integrated Spanish classes continue up until high school. For parents hoping to prepare their child for a global society, the Spanish immersion program is a smart step toward that goal.


Hamilton Southeastern

REACH Program

Students who are recognized as having high aptitude and potential can qualify for HSE’s REACH program, an enrichment program that begins in kindergarten The program focuses on complex problem solving, cognitive demand and rigorous curriculum. Students must test within the 96 percentile or higher to qualify for enrollment in the REACH program.



1:1 Program
This fall, students and teachers in grades 10 – 12 at Noblesville High School will all be receiving iPads, as part of an initiative to implement technology into the classroom. Teachers will take part in specialized technology training to help them integrate technology and new processes into their classrooms and lesson plans. The plan is to prepare students for an increasingly paperless world, and emphasize the importance of Internet technology in our day-to-day lives.

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