Indianapolis voters, if you think you’re too busy to get out and vote on Election Day or that your vote “won’t matter anyway,” consider that just one vote …
-made English the language of America instead of German (1776)
-approved American independence from England (1776)
-gave Thomas Jefferson the presidency (1800)
-admitted Texas (1845) and California (1850) into the Union
See Indianapolis voters? Your vote DOES matter in elections. And this one-stop local voting election resource for Indiana that has all the election information you need to cast your Indianapolis ballot and make your voice heard for this election.
We have:
– Early IN voting and registration information
– Indianapolis, IN polling places
– Indiana ballot measures
– Election candidates and coverage
– How to register to vote in Indianapolis, Indiana
Polling Places in and around Indianapolis
Voter Registration Deadline: 10/6/2008
If you live in Indiana and are not registered to vote, make sure you find out how here: You can also find Indianapolis and Indiana polling places and get election information on how to register to vote in Indiana.