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Tips for a successful home remodeling project

Posted by kim carpenter on March 15, 2010
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We all have dreams about what we want our home to look like but it is always a good idea to consult a professional to assist you, they have the expertise and skills to make your dreams a reality while keeping your budget in check!

Are you an HGTV junky?  They make remodeling look so easy and inexpensive but beware, it is not that easy.  See the tips below to make your remodeling project a dream come true, not a nightmare!

  • Compile a list of your ideas and prepare a budgetPrioritize your wish list, maybe you can’t afford to do it all right now but a professional remodeler can maximize your dollars by doing the work in phases.
  • Find a professional remodeler – Get a list of remodelers in your area by going to or or by asking for recommendations from neighbors, family or friends.
  • Check references and background of your chosen remodeler –  Check with the Better Business Bureau, talk to their references and research their professional associations, such as NAHB.
  • Agree on a contract – review details of the contract, check the remodelers’ insurance coverage, review their warranties on the work, make sure they get building permits, be sure you are on the same page before signing on the dotted line
  • Take advantage of the energy efficency tax credits – If you replace windows or doors, add insulation,  install a new roof, upgrade heating, A/C unit, water heater or install energy generating products; such as, solar panels, heat pumps or wind tubines, then you may be eligible to take advantage of the federal energy efficiency tax credits that will defer some of your remodeling costs while reducing your energy bills.

It is a great time of year to start thinking about remodeling but if you don’t want to go to all of the trouble, then give me a call and we can sell your home and find one that better suits your needs.

Kim Carpenter

Century 21 Scheetz


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