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Tips for Beating an Indiana Winter

Posted by kim carpenter on January 22, 2015
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Bad news: Winter is here. Good news: we’re all pretty much pro’s at handling an Indiana winter after last year. But, in case you need some additional tips or reminders to make it through another season of Polar Vortexes, I’ve listed a couple ways to beat the winter blues below.


One of the most common mistakes we can make is thinking the conditions aren’t as bad as they are. Before leaving, be sure to find out about the road conditions. Even though there may be little or no snow on the ground, black ice patches can sneak up on you unexpectedly. Also be sure to give snow plows plenty of room to work, and take it slow as you drive around them. Check out the INDOT website for more tips on safe driving in winter conditions.

Saving Energy (and Money)

Being smart about saving energy in the winter can save you a lot of money – and saving money always beats those winter blues! Try changing your air filter to so your system can run more efficiently. You can also consider using cold water in your laundry. Since most of the energy spent in the washer (and dishwasher) is spent heating the water, using the cold cycle (and rinsing your dishes instead of setting the pre-rinse cycle on dishwasher) can save a lot of energy and money. Check out more tips here from Duke Energy.

Home Care

After last year’s winter, many homeowners became aware of how the winter can affect their home. It’s important to check around your house – drywall, ceilings, basements – both inside and out, for cracks. Also be sure to ensure your gutters are unclogged and working properly before water can freeze near your foundation and bring unwanted moisture to the soil near your house. Read this article from WTHR that talks about ways to check out your house for problems brought on by winter.

How do you beat an Indiana winter?


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