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Window Tinting For a Warmer Home

Posted by kim carpenter on December 31, 2013
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Brrrrr! The chill of winter seems to have blown in early this year, seeing as Indianapolis has already experienced frigid temperatures and wind chills. For anyone who is currently showing or selling their home, maintaining a warm temperature inside can become difficult due to the increased number of people who are coming and going throughout the day. One way you can keep your home toasty warm this winter is by investing in window tints. Energy-saving window tints are made from an extremely thin layer of film that’s bonded to the surface of the glass. These tints can even out the temperatures in your home during both the hot and cold months. Let’s take a closer look at the science and implementation methods behind this technology.


Windows can be one of the biggest causes of heat loss in the home. In fact, the Natural Resources Defense Council reports that over 1/3 of a home’s total heat is lost through the doors and windows. Think about all of the energy and money that goes to waste due to inefficient windows! Installing window tints can actually contain the heated air inside, while also reducing the amount of UV rays entering your home. And in the summer, the window tints work to shield rooms from the sun’s heat, and keep your HVAC system from working overtime. In addition to providing valuable energy savings, window tints create a barrier that reinforces the glass. This means, your home will be better protected against accidental (or intentional) window breakage.


A warm, cozy house is more inviting to potential buyers who are trying to envision themselves in the home. Plus, you’ll enjoy the extra savings that come from energy efficient upgrades. Research for yourself and discover the environmental, economical and aesthetic benefits of window tinting.

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